5 Kommentare zu „mind

  1. Lesenswert dazu ist Bauers Grossessay zur Kultur der Ambiguität (https://www.amazon.com/Die-Kultur-Ambiguit%C3%A4t-Thomas-Bauer/dp/3458710337?ie=UTF8&qid=1323017367&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1), hier insbesondere sein Kapitel zum Sex, das eine überraschende Erklärung des derzeitigen muslimischen „Puritanismus“ liefert. Ich schrieb einst darüber (https://aliqapoo.com/2011/12/04/a-culture-of-ambiguity/ ):

    „What might stun the reader most is Bauer’s chapter on sex. It is true that in Islamic cultures sex had long been a rather uncomplicated issue. Bauer’s examples of “normal” and widely accepted same-sex relationships and the plenty of literature on it are very much intriguing. Apparently, that must have changed, since presently rather prude (Victorian!) manners seem to be more or less characteristic for particularly Arabic societies (and Iranian after their revolution).

    Bauer offers an interesting explanation, namely that missionary zeal of (Victorian) Western colonialists, who were so shocked when meeting with fun-loving Egyptians (see Juan Cole’s Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East); and, at the same time, the desire of the well-educated middle class in Arabic countries to adopt Western values might have been the cause for an ambiguity crisis which ultimately led to shameful oppression of sexuality (a term which had been introduced in the West not before the 19th century) and, for instance, homophobia.“


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